Thursday 6 August 2015

#100things list

I've decided to write a list of #100things I would like to do before I die, I've already accomplished a great deal in my life and ticked off many things in my head on an unnumbered list, but this is the written list I will carry with me.
The writing of this list was inspired by Ryan Inglis who wrote his own list after reading a book by Sebastian Terry. I haven't read the book, but I will take Ryan's word for it that it's good.
After Ryan wrote his list life began to present him with opportunities to tick things off of the list - he has just walked 500 miles to raise money for Shiva, which isn't a regular everyday experience.  So, here I am with my own list...

I've written this list of #100things off of the top of my head, I've just gone for it...

1: I would like to visit the Panda I am sponsoring with the WWF (the World Wildlife Fund, not the World Wrestling Federation lol).
2: I would like to meet and spend time with a Gorilla that can speak in sign language.
3: I would like to own a Donkey.
4: I would like to win a big prize for my artwork.
5: I would like to have either brightly coloured or rainbow hair
6: I would like to get married to my soul mate
7: I would like to spend £1000 on a handbag & pair of matching shoes without worrying how expensive they are
8: I would like to have enough money to take care of all my friends and family so they don't need to worry anymore
9: I would like to teach a child to draw
10: I would like to donate a huge amount of money to a charity without anyone knowing it was me
11: I would like to be a good swimmer
12: I would like to be a tidy person
13: I would like a big house with lots of animals that help kids with illnesses e.g. mental illnesses, anxiety, social disorders etc
14: I would like to save the bees
15: I would like to make a big impact on saving the planet
16: I would like to have a champagne dinner on a yacht in the Caribbean with Richard Branson
17: I would like to meet Paul Mackenna's dog
18: I would like to help house the homeless
19: I would like to help house victims of abuse and human trafficking
20: I would like to do an amazing act of goodness that will go down in history and be remembered for all time
21: I would like to learn to drive
22: I would like to sell lots of artwork so I can be self employed forever and never have to work a 9-5 again
23: I would like to love and trust someone without the fear of getting hurt
24: I would like to win something amazing, like an eco home or a yacht
25: I would like to swim in The Great Barrier Reef
26: I would like to sit on a beach with all of my best friends, while being waited on hand and foot, sipping cocktails and watching half naked buff young men play volleyball
27: I would like to do a parachute jump
28: I would like to do Base jumping
29: I would like to jump off of a cliff into the clear blue sea
30: I would like to sleep on a beach with seals
31: I would like to watch the turtles hatch and run to the sea on the galapagos islands
32: I would like to inspire and teach a bad person be good
33: I would like to educate a politician so they are honest and kind
34: I would like to cure an illness
35: I would like to make a film
36: I would like to win a prize for a film
37: I would like to act in a Hollywood film
38: I would like to make someone so happy that they cry
39: I would like a ride in a helicopter while listening to the music from AirWolf
40: I would like to go in the Dukes of Hazards car
41: I would like to be good at a sport
42: I would like to meet Russell Crowe so I can thank him
43: I would like to win a battle
44: I would like to sing really well
45: I would like to play the violin really well
46: I would like to play in an orchestra again
47: I would like to be good a yoga
48: I would like to invent something
49: I would like to work out how to feed to starving people in Africa so they stop dieing
50: I would like to save an animal from extinction
51: I would like to play chopsticks on the piano
52: I would like to learn some new languages
53: I would like to meet the Dalai Lama
54: I would like to discover a new species
55: I would like to meet Placebo
56: I would like to discover something precious
57: I would like to have a house built to my exact specification and decorate it
58: I would like to go up in a hot air balloon
59: I would like to be a better artist
60: I would like to feel incredible happiness
61: I would like to see the Northern Lights
62: I would like to go to Canada
63: I would like to meet Jim Carrey
64: I would like to sign a book deal
65: I would like to go to Times Square at New Years Eve
67: I would like to go up The Empire State building on Valentines Day
68: I would like to swim naked under a secluded waterfall
69: I would like to meet more of my Facebook & Twitter friends
70: I would like to meet some lions on a safari
71: I would like to be good at growing vegetables
72: I would like to see my artwork in the Tate
73: I would like to be invited to do an exhibition in New York
74: I would like to change someone's life for the better
75: I would like to have a hamster/dog/parrot
76: I would like someone to share all these things with
77: I would like to stay in a French house with a vineyard, like in the film "A Good Year"
78: I would like to feel settled
79: I would like to have a rooftop garden
80: I would like to kiss someone and it feel like the rest of the world has disappeared
81: I would like to achieve everything on this list
82: I would like to stay with monks for a month
83: I would like to sleep on a beach under the stars
84: I would like to ride a horse
85: I would like to walk barefoot on the sand with someone I love
86: I would like to feel content with no worries for at least a week
87: I would like to help others achieve their goals
88: I would like to make sushi
89: I would like to make great cakes
90: I would like to spend Christmas in a log cabin
91: I would like to learn face painting
92: I would like to do some online art tutorials
93: I would like to teach people to paint what they want to paint, art classes
94: I would like to have a kiln and make things with clay
95: I would like to have my own fantastic art studio with a huge wall window, over looking the sea, with my own private beach where I can invite you all for a beach barbecue
96: I would like to buy a running machine and run a half marathon
97: I would like to sit at the top of the pyramids
98: I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in my life
99: I would like to forgive everyone who has hurt me in my life
100: I would like to be happy

As I reached the end of the list I realised I need #100things more!